Fish Fries will start on February 2nd, 2024 and end on Good Friday, March 29th, 2024.
Our 2024 Fish Fries will use the "team" setup again. Last year, 4-5 groups signed up to cook, clean and waitress for two or three times throughout the fish fry season. This worked out so well we plan to do the same again. This way no one has to work every Friday night.
A lot of effort goes into putting these fish fries on - from doing inventory each week, making the shopping lists, ordering the fish, shopping for groceries each week, preparing the potatoes, setting tables, thawing fish on Thursday nights, showing up early on Friday to bake the potatoes, make coleslaw, beans, etc., as well as organizing the work crew.
The price of fish has gone up again, so our prices will be adjusted accordingly.
If anyone is interested in helping in any aspect of the fish fries, please contact the club or Brenda (906-280-6348).