Fellow members,
I would like to thank all the member volunteers for their help this past year with the many things that it takes to keep the Club operating.
It takes a lot of hour to keep the doors open. With that being said, the more volunteers we have, the more the Club will be able to offer its members. If every one of our 350 members would just give 50 minutes a month to helping the Club run, we would have one heck of a Club.
As it currently stands our Friday fish fries might be a thing of the past. The lack of volunteers is the reason. Please understand, the small crew that keeps the Club running is getting burnt out. If you would like to see the fish fries continue, ask yourself "what can I help with?" Please get with one of the Board members and let them know you are willing to help.
The past two years with Covid has been a big challenge. As a club we have gotten through this ok. Thank you for your understanding and support during these trying times.
We held our youth program this Summer. Thank you to all who helped this happen again. Also, we hosted National Hunting and Fishing Day. It was good to see the kids again. Big THANKS to all who helped make it happen!!!
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Jon Servant, President GLSRC