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President's Column - December '23

Fellow Members,

I hope everyone is doing well. I would like to thank everyone for a safe and successful year. There has been a lot of improvements made to the club this year to include increased lighting around the parking areas, new back stops on the rifle ranges, and new siding on the club just to name a few. If you haven't had the opportunity to see these improves stop by the club! These projects would not have been a success without our volunteers, so please thank these individuals, as well as all of our volunteers that keep the club running. If you have the opportunity or consider volunteering, please speak to a member.

As winter approaches there are several opportunities and events to patronize the club. As always there will be several indoor leagues such as archery, pistol, bean bag and pool. New this year is a rimfire league that will be held Sunday mornings and there will be skeet shooting under the lights Friday evenings. What a great way to conclude a round of shotgun by attending our Friday night fish fries which will also be returning in 2024!

A friendly reminder board meetings are held the first Thursday of every month. Attending these meetings is a great way to provide your input into the direction you would like your club to be going, as a member this is your club! Please come to the annual meeting on January 18th, 2024; Elections will be held for officers and three board positions.

I wish you all a Happy New Year!

Bill Cobb, President GLSRC

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